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Fasting & Prayer

What’s Fasting and Prayer All About?

Fasting is all about hitting pause on food to focus on prayer and connecting with God. It’s not a trick to get God to do what you want; it’s about setting aside distractions to seek Him more deeply. When you fast, you’re making room in your life for a closer relationship with God.


What Does the Bible Say?

Fasting and prayer are seen throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, fasting was tied to important occasions like the Day of Atonement (Jeremiah 36:6) and moments of crisis. For instance, Moses fasted for 40 days and nights while receiving the law from God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:28). King Jehoshaphat called for a fast when Israel faced an invasion (2 Chronicles 20:3). The people of Nineveh fasted in response to Jonah's message (Jonah 3:5). In the New Testament, Anna worshipped at the Temple with fasting and prayer (Luke 2:37), Jesus fasted for 40 days before His temptation (Matthew 4:2), and the early church fasted before sending Paul and Barnabas on their mission (Acts 13:2-3).


Is Fasting a Must?

The Bible doesn’t specifically command us to fast, but it’s definitely a recommended practice. The focus isn’t on abstaining from food for its own sake or as a diet hack. Instead, it’s about removing distractions to better focus on God. Jesus even taught that our fasting should be genuine, not just for show (Matthew 6:16-18).


What’s the Goal?

Fasting doesn’t automatically get us what we want. Instead, it’s about aligning our hearts with God’s will. 1 John 5:14-15 says, “This is the confidence we have before him: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears whatever we ask, we know that we have what we have asked him for.” Isaiah 58:3-4 shows that empty rituals without a right heart don’t impress God. Fasting should reflect our genuine desire to seek Him and His will.


Types of Fasting: Here’s a quick guide to different fasting types you can try:


1. Full Fast:  Drink only liquids, especially water. You can also have clear broth and 100% fruit and vegetable juices. This type of fast can be intense, so make sure to listen to your body and stay hydrated.


2. Partial Fast:  Set aside meal times, or skip particular foods all together; meats, sweets, and breads, and stick to fruits, vegetables, and water. It’s a great way to get started if you're new to fasting or want a less extreme approach.


3. Specific Food Fast:  Eliminate specific items from your diet, like red meat, processed foods, or sweets. This can be easier to manage and still effective for focusing your spiritual life.


4. Juice Fast:  Consume only fruit and vegetable juices and water. Many people find this type of fast effective and easier to handle, especially if you mix in some protein shakes for added nutrition.


5. Daniel Fast:  This is a popular and flexible fast that includes eating only vegetables and drinking water, based on Daniel 1 and 10. It's great for spiritual focus and physical health.


How Do I Start?


1. Plan Ahead: Decide what type of fast suits you best and set your spiritual goals. Whether it’s a full fast or a partial fast, make a plan that fits you.


2. Listen to Your Body: Start gradually if you’re used to caffeine or have health considerations. Mix up your fast if that helps—like doing fruits and veggies for a week and then switching to liquids.


3. What to Do While Fasting: Use your mealtime to focus on prayer, worship, Bible reading, and seeking God’s guidance. Make the most of your time with Him.


4. Stay Safe: Consult with a healthcare professional if you have health issues, are pregnant, or have specific dietary needs. Keep hydrated and listen to your body’s signals.



During our times where we fast as a whole church, we produce a prayer guide, ready to support you during your fast. Our prayer is that this time will ignite a deeper passion for God and His Word and help you develop a hunger for His presence like never before!


Got questions or need help? Reach out—we’re here to support you!

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